News and Events
Auxiliary Luncheon Highlights Accomplishments

February 26, 2012

Eastern Plumas Health Care’s Auxiliary hosted their quarterly meeting at Coyote Bar and Grill in Graeagle on Feb. 15. They elected officers for the coming year, with Kathy Davis claiming for the third year running that this will be her last as President. Davis not only keeps the volunteer organization energized and motivated, she makes sure they have some fun. The Auxiliary is known primarily for running Nifty Thrifty, the thrift store in Portola, but they do much more than that. Recently, the group paid $95,000 for four colonoscopes and two gastroscopes, with all the requisite video equipment, keyboards, monitors, and other support equipment that goes along with them. They also donated a significant portion of the money for EPHCs digital mammography equipment. In the past year, they’ve started running an information desk in the hospital lobby on surgery/procedure days. They sponsor two community blood drives in Portola each year, grant educational scholarships to deserving EPHC employees seeking to further their hospital careers, and in 2011 they donated five $100 gift certificates for Nifty Thrifty to local fire victims. Auxiliary members also volunteer time with skilled nursing patients, and help with administrative tasks when asked. In short, the Auxiliary has been one of the most consistent supporters of EPHC over the years.