News and Events
The Fight To Keep Our Skilled Nursing Facilities Alive!

October 19, 2011

Approximately 100 people from Plumas and Sierra Counties showed up at EPHC’s Portola Education Center for a town hall meeting with Rocky Deal, Rep. Tom McClintock’s aide and Nadine Bailey, aide to Dan Logue. At risk are 58 residents of our two Skilled Nursing Facilities (one in Loyalton, one in Portola), as the state has passed an amendment that would roll back Medicare/Medical rates for the SNF’s 23%. This would amount to a $1.1 million hit to EPHC, and it would force closure of these facilities. Residents, friends, and families were on hand to ask pointed questions and to suggest less devastating alternatives. Over 80 people signed letters that were delivered to lawmakers. We will be asking for more support and additional letters in the near future, so please be ready to lend your support! For questions or additional information, please call Linda: 530.832.6597.